
Merge branch 'v1.1-dev' of into v1.1-dev

wanglang 4 日 前
共有1 個のファイルを変更した94 個の追加8 個の削除を含む
  1. 94 8

+ 94 - 8

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 -- 20241022
 -- 进口商新增字段
 ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
-    ADD COLUMN `business_category` varchar(256) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '经营品类' AFTER `vat_no`;
+    ADD COLUMN `business_category` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '经营品类' AFTER `vat_no`;
 ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
     ADD COLUMN `trading_life` varchar(16) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '交易年限(M/Y)' AFTER `business_category`;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
     ADD COLUMN `trading_amount_past_year_currency` varchar(3) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '过去一年双方交易额币种' AFTER `trading_amount_past_year`;
 ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
-    ADD COLUMN `amount_to_be_applied` DECIMAL(17, 2) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '拟申请额度金额' AFTER `amount_trading_past_year_currency`;
+    ADD COLUMN `amount_to_be_applied` DECIMAL(17, 2) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '拟申请额度金额' AFTER `trading_amount_past_year_currency`;
 ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
     ADD COLUMN `amount_to_be_applied_currency` varchar(3) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '拟申请额度金额币种' AFTER `amount_to_be_applied`;
@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@ ALTER TABLE `importer_entity`
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `filing_doc_write_task`;
 CREATE TABLE `filing_doc_write_task`
-    `id`      bigint(20)  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键id',
-    `cert_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '企业证件号',
-    `biz_no`  varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '业务编号',
-    `part`    tinyint(4)   DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '阶段',
-    `status`  tinyint(4)   DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '状态',
-    `remark`  varchar(128) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注',
+    `id`           bigint(20)  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键id',
+    `cert_no`      varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '企业证件号',
+    `biz_no`       varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '业务编号',
+    `part`         tinyint(4)           DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '阶段',
+    `status`       tinyint(4)           DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '状态',
+    `agent_ind`    tinyint(2)           DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否为代理',
+    `remark`       varchar(128)         DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注',
+    `gmt_create`   timestamp   NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
     PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 ) ENGINE = InnoDB
   DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COMMENT ='备案单证写入小图任务';
@@ -76,3 +79,86 @@ where name in (
                '朝鲜', '苏丹', '厄立特里亚', '伊拉克', '利比亚', '刚果(金)', '也门', '南苏丹', '黎巴嫩',
                '马里', '索马里', '伊朗', '科特迪瓦', '叙利亚', '古巴', '俄罗斯', '委内瑞拉', '缅甸',
                '布隆迪', '津巴布韦', '白俄罗斯', '北苏丹');
+-- 销售订单物流新增字段
+ALTER TABLE `sales_order_logistics`
+    ADD COLUMN `shipping_method` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '运输方式' AFTER `lading_date`;
+ALTER TABLE `sales_order_logistics`
+    ADD COLUMN `shipping_fee` DECIMAL(17, 6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运费金额' AFTER `shipping_method`;
+ALTER TABLE `sales_order_logistics`
+    ADD COLUMN `insurance_fee` DECIMAL(17, 6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '保费金额' AFTER `shipping_fee`;
+ALTER TABLE `sales_order_logistics`
+    ADD COLUMN `other_fee` DECIMAL(17, 6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '杂费金额' AFTER `insurance_fee`;
+-- 新增sop 请求日志
+CREATE TABLE `sop_request_log`
+    `id`               bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键ID',
+    `customer_user_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID',
+    `trans_code`       varchar(100)                 DEFAULT '' COMMENT '接口交易码',
+    `request_payload`  json                         DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '请求业务数据',
+    `response`         json                         DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '响应体数据',
+    `success`          tinyint(3) unsigned          DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '请求结果,0 - 失败 ; 1 - 成功',
+    `remark`           varchar(5000)                DEFAULT '' COMMENT '请求失败原因',
+    `gmt_create`       timestamp           NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
+    `gmt_modified`     timestamp           NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '修改时间',
+    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+    KEY `idx_identifier` (`customer_user_id`),
+    KEY `idx_trans_code` (`trans_code`)
+) ENGINE = InnoDB
+-- 供应商表新增税号
+ALTER TABLE `vendor_entity`
+    ADD COLUMN `vat_no` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '税号' AFTER `business_address`;
+-- 新增字典
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_type`(`dict_name`, `dict_type`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES ('经营品类英文', 'business_category_en', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:02:41', '2024-11-05 10:02:41');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_type`(`dict_name`, `dict_type`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES ('提运单类型', 'lading_type', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:51:04', '2024-11-05 11:51:04');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_type`(`dict_name`, `dict_type`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES ('运输方式', 'shipping_method', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:42:00', '2024-11-12 14:42:00');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Home Appliances', '01', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:05:43', '2024-11-05 10:05:43');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Motorcycles', '02', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:06:08', '2024-11-05 10:06:08');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Pharmaceuticals and Health Supplements', '03', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:06:36', '2024-11-05 10:06:36');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Steel', '04', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:06:51', '2024-11-05 10:06:51');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Furniture', '05', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:07:05', '2024-11-05 10:07:05');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Automotive Parts', '06', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:07:21', '2024-11-05 10:07:21');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Pesticides', '07', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:07:36', '2024-11-05 10:07:36');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Other Communication Products', '08', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:07:47', '2024-11-05 10:07:47');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Computer', '09', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:07:58', '2024-11-05 10:07:58');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Ceramics', '10', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:08:10', '2024-11-05 10:08:10');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Automotive CBU (Completely Built Unit) or CKD (Completely Knocked-Down)', '11', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:08:26', '2024-11-05 10:08:26');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Textile Raw Materials and Semi-Finished Products', '12', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:08:49', '2024-11-05 10:08:49');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Leather', '13', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:01', '2024-11-05 10:09:01');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Photovoltaic Products', '14', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:11', '2024-11-05 10:09:11');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Textile', '15', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:22', '2024-11-05 10:09:22');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Agricultural Product', '16', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:35', '2024-11-05 10:09:35');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Fuel Oil', '17', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:48', '2024-11-05 10:09:48');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Footwear', '18', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:09:57', '2024-11-05 10:09:57');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Engineering Machinery and Parts', '19', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:10:09', '2024-11-05 10:10:09');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Fertilizer', '20', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:10:19', '2024-11-05 10:10:19');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Ships and Repairs', '21', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:10:33', '2024-11-05 10:10:33');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Printed Circuit Boards and Raw Materials', '22', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:10:48', '2024-11-05 10:10:48');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Toys', '23', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:10:58', '2024-11-05 10:10:58');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Mobile Phones and Telephones', '24', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:11:10', '2024-11-05 10:11:10');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Other Basic and Precious Metals', '25', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:11:22', '2024-11-05 10:11:22');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, 'Others', '99', 'business_category_en', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 10:11:32', '2024-11-05 10:11:32');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '航空运单', '01', 'lading_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:51:37', '2024-11-05 11:51:37');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '铁路运单', '02', 'lading_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:51:48', '2024-11-05 11:51:48');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '海运提单', '03', 'lading_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:52:02', '2024-11-05 11:52:02');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '公路运输载货清单', '04', 'lading_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:52:15', '2024-11-05 11:52:15');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '邮政运输单', '05', 'lading_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-05 11:52:25', '2024-11-05 11:52:25');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '空运', 'Air Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:42:55', '2024-11-12 14:42:55');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '海运', 'Sea Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:43:29', '2024-11-12 14:43:29');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '铁路运输', 'Rail Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '长安银科', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:43:56', '2024-11-12 14:44:07');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '公路运输', 'Road Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:44:48', '2024-11-12 14:44:48');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '邮政运输', 'Parcel Post Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:45:34', '2024-11-12 14:45:34');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '多式运输', 'Multi-modal Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:46:18', '2024-11-12 14:46:18');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '集装箱运输', 'Container Transport', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:46:44', '2024-11-12 14:46:44');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '国际快递', 'International Express', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:47:31', '2024-11-12 14:47:31');
+INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `update_by`, `remark`, `gmt_create`, `gmt_modified`) VALUES (0, '国际专线', 'International Delicated Line', 'shipping_method', NULL, 'default', 'N', '0', '长安银科', '', NULL, '2024-11-12 14:48:07', '2024-11-12 14:48:07');