@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
+<mapper namespace="com.sunxung.factoring.mapper.smb.FinancingLoanInfoMapper">
+ <!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
+ <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.sunxung.factoring.entity.smb.FinancingLoanInfo">
+ <result column="id" property="id" />
+ <result column="user_create" property="userCreate" />
+ <result column="user_modified" property="userModified" />
+ <result column="gmt_create" property="gmtCreate" />
+ <result column="gmt_modified" property="gmtModified" />
+ <result column="c_financing_basic_info_id" property="cFinancingBasicInfoId" />
+ <result column="contract_no" property="contractNo" />
+ <result column="quota_disburse_batch" property="quotaDisburseBatch" />
+ <result column="customer_type" property="customerType" />
+ <result column="c_enterprise_id" property="cEnterpriseId" />
+ <result column="corporate_name" property="supplierName" />
+ <result column="financing_management_id" property="financingManagementId" />
+ <result column="financing_institution_name" property="financingInstitutionName" />
+ <result column="loan_amount" property="loanAmount" />
+ <result column="payout_no" property="payoutNo" />
+ <result column="due_bill_no" property="dueBillNo" />
+ <result column="payout_status" property="payoutStatus" />
+ <result column="fail_msg" property="failMsg" />
+ <result column="payout_date" property="payoutDate" />
+ <result column="maturity_date" property="maturityDate" />
+ <result column="loan_apply_date" property="loanApplyDate" />
+ <result column="repay_method" property="repayMethod" />
+ <result column="term" property="term" />
+ <result column="pay_way" property="payWay" />
+ <result column="payee_inner_card_flag" property="payeeInnerCardFlag" />
+ <result column="payee_acct_th_number" property="payeeAcctThNumber" />
+ <result column="payee_acct_th_name" property="payeeAcctThName" />
+ <result column="repay_acct_no" property="repayAcctNo" />
+ <result column="repay_acct_name" property="repayAcctName" />
+ <result column="repay_acct_type" property="repayAcctType" />
+ </resultMap>
+ <select id="findBySearch" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
+ t1.*,
+ t2.corporate_name
+ FROM financing_loan_info t1 LEFT JOIN c_enterprise t2 on t2.id = t1.c_enterprise_id
+ <where>
+ <if test="payoutDate != null and payoutDate != ''">
+ AND t1.payout_date = #{payoutDate}
+ </if>
+ <if test="maturityDate != null and maturityDate != ''">
+ AND t1.maturity_date = #{maturityDate}
+ </if>
+ <if test="payoutStatus != null and payoutStatus != ''">
+ AND t1.payout_status = #{payoutStatus}
+ </if>
+ <if test="payoutNo != null and payoutNo != ''">
+ AND t1.payout_no = #{payoutNo}
+ </if>
+ <if test="fastSearch != null and fastSearch != ''">
+ AND (t1.contract_no LIKE CONCAT('%',#{fastSearch},'%') OR t1.due_bill_no LIKE CONCAT('%',#{fastSearch},'%')
+ OR t2.corporate_name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{fastSearch},'%'))
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ </select>